Do You Know Your Home’s Plumbing Emergency Shut Off Locations? If You Don’t, Take A Virtual Tour Of Your Home’s Plumbing System With Our Helpful House.
Making sure you know where your Maryland home’s emergency plumbing valves are can save you from a big headache and a lot of damage from leaking toilets, sinks and faucets. Check out SHIPLEY’S HELPFUL HOUSE, CLICK HERE.
Toilets stop up! What do you do? When it happens, turn off the toilet supply valve. The supply valve is located under the left corner of the toilet tank, at the wall. If the valve should be too tight to turn off, go to the house main valve and turn it off. If you have questions where these valves are located, check out our HELPFUL HOUSE. When you have the water supply under control, you may try using a plunger on the toilet. Do not put chemicals in the bowl to clear the stoppage.